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Los Angeles Abogado de Lesiones Personales

No one expects to be involved in an accident or injured because of someone else’s actions. Unfortunately, these things happen all the time, especially in LA. While you cannot always predict when an accident may occur, you can seek justice when another person or party’s negligent or wrongful conduct leaves you dealing with serious injuries and damages.

At KJT Law Group, we are passionate about standing up for the rights of the injured. Our Los Angeles personal injury attorneys can help you understand your legal options and fight for the compensation you are owed. You should not have to deal with mounting medical bills, lost wages, and immense pain and suffering on your own. Our team is here to help you hold the liable party accountable and secure the recovery you need to heal and move forward with your life. We use every tool we have to defend the lives, rights, and property of our clients.

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Daños y perjuicios que nuestros abogados de lesiones personales de Los Ángeles pueden recuperar para usted

Un accidente puede costarle miles de dólares en sólo unos minutos. Usted merece recuperar cada dólar que perdió. Nuestros abogados de lesiones personales en Los Ángeles pueden luchar por:

  • Billetes Médicos
  • Salarios perdidos
  • Pérdida de capacidad de ganancia
  • Gastos varios
  • Daños Propietarios
  • Dolor y sufrimiento
  • Desastres emocionales
  • Pérdida de compañía
  • Pérdida del disfrute de la vida
  • La humillación

If you lost a loved one in a Los Angeles accident, our team offers our sincere condolences. We know that you likely aren’t thinking about money or considering taking legal action, but a settlement or award can help you make ends meet while you grieve. We can help you fight for:

  • Expenses for any medical treatment your loved one needed before their passing
  • Gastos funerarios y de sepelio
  • Pérdida de asistencia y servicios
  • Pena y dolor
  • Dolor y sufrimiento
  • Pérdida de "amor, compañía, consuelo, cuidados, asistencia, protección, afecto, sociedad y apoyo moral"
  • Pérdida de intimidad

Por qué usted quiere que nuestro equipo de su lado después de un accidente de LA

There are thousands of lawyers to choose from in Los Angeles. But those lawyers aren’t dedicated to clients like we are.

We aren’t a settlement mill. We limit how many cases we take so we can give you and your case the attention and care you deserve. We won’t accept a lowball offer from the insurance company just to take our percentage and move on to the next. We treat you like our only client, dedicating our resources to getting what you need and deserve.

To that end, you will also work directly with your attorney, who will create a strategy tailored to you and your needs. You won’t be shifted onto a case manager who has to chase your lawyer down for an update. We also don’t refer out cases. When you call us, you work with us.

And we do all this with no upfront fees. You worry about your recovery, not how you’ll pay us. There is no risk at all when you work with our team.

We Have Recovered Over $100 Million

We fight tooth and nail for our clients. Our results show that. In just over 10 years, we have recovered more than $100 million for Californians. Some of our personal injury verdicts and awards include:

  • $16 million for a family who suffered serious injuries in a car accident
  • $3 million for a semi-truck driver injured in a crash with another truck driver
  • $2.8 million for our client who was injured after being rear-ended by a truck
  • $2.5 million for our elderly client who was injured after being abandoned in their wheelchair
  • $875,000 for a rideshare driver injured in an accident
  • $475,000 for a pedestrian hit by a car

We know that money won’t magically make your injuries disappear; however, it can make a difficult time a bit easier.

Casos de lesiones Nuestro equipo maneja en Los Ángeles

If you are injured due to someone else’s negligence, a personal injury lawyer in LA can explain your legal options to you. Depending on the circumstances around your injury, you may be entitled to compensation.

Below is a list of personal injury areas our personal injury law firm can help you with.

Accidentes de tráfico 

Car accidents in Los Angeles are very common. With dense, bumper-to-bumper traffic and millions of people who commute each day, it’s no surprise so many car accidents happen. If you are involved in an LA traffic accident, you may not be sure what to do.

Trying to prove someone else was responsible for your injuries can be difficult. A Los Angeles personal injury lawyer from our firm can investigate the accident scene, gather witness testimony, and build a solid foundation for your case. Armed with this knowledge, we can file your personal injury claim with the negligent party’s insurance company.

Very often, the insurance representatives for the other party may offer you a settlement that is far lower than your case’s actual worth. The representatives for the other side may even try to convince you the accident was your fault. Not when you work with us—insurers know they can’t take advantage of our clients.

Uber & Lyft Accidents

Were you injured in an accident caused by a Lyft or Uber driver? Lyft and Uber accidents in Los Angeles can sometimes be confusing. The rules both companies have regarding their drivers can make what seems like an open-and-shut case very complex. While rideshare companies do carry liability insurance, they often attempt to get out of paying for injuries their drivers cause.

A Los Angeles Uber and Lyft accident lawyer from our firm can investigate the details of your accident and determine what policy applies. Knowing who to seek financial compensation from for your injuries will take away one hurdle in your pursuit of justice.

Catastrophic Injuries

Un accidente catastrófico es aquel que deja a la víctima con graves secuelas y discapacidad. Muchas lesiones catastróficas no se curan nunca.

Catastrophically injured victims will need immediate medical care to survive. In most cases, they will also need long-term care to go on with life. These are large burdens that should be covered by those responsible. 

If you or a loved one suffered catastrophic injuries due to the fault of another person or entity, you may be looking at insurmountable medical bills, loss of the ability to provide and care for your loved ones, and much more. Your entire life will likely be very different moving forward. 

A Los Angeles catastrophic injury attorney from our firm can help. You may be eligible for economic and non-economic damages related to the accident. Economic damages could include any medical bills stemming from treatment for your injuries. This may also include your loss of wages if you are never able to return to work.

Accidentes de bicicleta 

Muchos conductores en y alrededor de Los Ángeles no buscan bicicletas cuando conducen. Debido a que la persona que viaja en bicicleta es mucho más pequeña que cualquier vehículo de motor, es fácil para un conductor distraído perder la vista de una bicicleta.

Because riding a bicycle offers little to no protection, traffic accidents involving bicycles in Los Angeles can be catastrophic or even deadly. Victims of bicycle accidents may require extensive medical care to treat their injuries. It’s important to note that a bicycle’s size does not absolve Los Angeles drivers from their responsibility to keep the people around them safe. A bicycle accident lawyer in Los Angeles on our team can help you seek justice.

Accidentes de moto 

Motorcycle riders know that motor vehicle drivers often do not respect their right to be on the road. Many motorists see a motorcycle rider and feel they are needlessly putting themselves at risk. These drivers may not take care to look for motorcycles when changing lanes on busy Los Angeles freeways.

Motorcycle riders are at risk of serious or catastrophic injury in traffic accidents. Riders may be thrown great distances during an accident. You may suffer from road rash, concussions, scrapes, broken bones, or even death.

You don’t deserve to have your right to enjoy the open road taken away by negligent drivers. Our Los Angeles motorcycle accident attorneys can investigate your accident, obtain traffic camera footage, speak to witnesses, and help determine your next best legal steps for recovering the compensation you need.

Accidentes de peatones 

Traffic accidents involving pedestrians in Los Angeles are all too common and are often devastating. If you were struck by a car while walking, you may have suffered serious injuries. You likely will have a long recovery time. Your medical bills may be mounting as you are off work recovering from your ordeal. Whether the accident was caused by a driver’s distraction, carelessness, or other factors, they could be liable for your losses.

You should not have to deal with the stress, fear, and uncertainty from the fallout of such a harrowing ordeal alone. A Los Angeles pedestrian accident attorney from our firm can help you determine what damages you can recover and file the necessary paperwork to bring a case against the negligent party responsible for your injuries.

Accidentes de camiones 

If you are injured by a negligent truck driver or their employer, you can recover compensation. However, this can be difficult to do alone as a truck accident is often more complex than a standard car accident.

Our truck accident lawyers know how to gather the evidence necessary to prove your case. This process may include drafting a spoliation letter, which requests the trucking company preserve any evidence it may have. Evidence the trucking company may have includes the driver’s hours of service logs, personnel files, past drug and alcohol test results, accident reports, and maintenance reports.

Accidentes de descenso y caída

When you are on someone else’s property, the owner has a legal responsibility to ensure your safety. You deserve to be made aware of any tripping hazards, wet floors, or uneven terrain. Slip and fall accidents can lead to a wide variety of injuries, from minor to very severe.

The challenge with some slip and fall accidents is determining who is responsible for your injuries. If you fell in a store, is the manager on duty responsible for your safety? Is the building’s owner? If you were injured on public or government-owned property, who do you turn to for your compensation? Our Los Angeles slip and fall attorney can help. 

Slip and fall accidents can be very complex. Without knowing who to turn to for help, you may be stuck with expensive medical bills and lost wages. Depending on the extent of your injuries, your life may never be the same. We want to help you adjust and get the compensation you need.

Muerte equivocada 

Suffering through the death of a loved one is devastating. The changes in the lives of the surrounding family members are massive and heartbreaking. If someone close to you lost their life due to someone else’s carelessness, you may not be sure what to do. However, you and your family could have a right to seek justice.

While money cannot bring the person back, you may be entitled to financial compensation from the liable party. You could recover damages for your loved one’s necessary medical care, funeral expenses, your pain and suffering, and more. This compensation can help you make ends meet. Our Los Angeles wrongful death attorneys can help you through this troubling time with sensitivity and compassion.

Mordeduras de perro 

A dog’s owner is responsible for keeping their dog leashed or at heel wherever this is required. Dog bites may be covered by the dog owner’s homeowners insurance. However, because not every homeowner’s insurance policy covers dog bites, it can be difficult to know where to turn if you or a loved one was attacked by a dog.

Our dog bite injury attorneys in Los Angeles can investigate the circumstances surrounding your accident. We can look into the history of the owner and the dog to find out if any other attacks occurred.

Accidentes de autobuses 

Si ha sufrido lesiones en un accidente de autobús, es posible que haya sufrido lesiones graves o incluso catastróficas. Como los autobuses son mucho más grandes y pesados que los vehículos de pasajeros, las lesiones pueden ser más graves.

Knowing who to seek justice from in bus accidents can be difficult. Is the driver responsible? Did the bus company neglect regular maintenance on the bus, making it more dangerous? Was the bus recently repaired with faulty parts? A bus accident attorney in Los Angeles can help you find out who is responsible for your accident.

Malpráctica médica

Medical providers have a responsibility to keep their patients from undue harm. However, they are humans like the rest of us. Humans make mistakes, but you shouldn’t be left paying for their mistake if it causes you to suffer injury. 

Our Los Angeles medical malpractice attorneys can seek justice and compensation on your behalf.

Negligencia dental

Dentists, dental hygienists, and dental offices are medical providers and, as such, owe you a duty of care. If they fail to uphold this standard and cause you injury, the effects could be catastrophic. Our dental malpractice attorneys in Los Angeles can help you hold your dental provider accountable.

Common Injuries Our Los Angeles Personal Injury Attorneys See

Nuestro equipo ha visto todo tipo de lesiones en nuestro tiempo como abogados de accidentes. Lesiones comunes que ayudamos a los clientes a recuperar una compensación justa para incluir:

  • Whiplash
  • Lesiones cerebrales traumáticas
  • Lesiones del cordón espinal
  • Vuelven las lesiones
  • Heridas de rodilla
  • amputaciones
  • Huesos y fracturas
  • Burns y Rash de la carretera
  • Lesiones internas

LA’s Population Density Makes Accidents and Injuries Likely

Los Ángeles es la segunda ciudad más grande de Estados Unidos. En 2023, la ciudad de Los Ángeles tenía una población de 3.820.914 habitantes, según la Estados Unidos. Oficina de Censos. Because Los Angeles is a dense city with major traffic, entertainment, nightlife, and countless tourists, people in the city could face dangers in many locations.

Estadísticas de accidentes de tráfico para Los Ángeles

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the mean travel time to work was 31.3 minutes for all workers over 16 years of age between 2018 and 2022. This extended amount of time can increase the potential for car accidents. In 2015, the Visión Cero initiative was launched to reduce traffic-related deaths in Los Angeles. The Los Angeles Police Department’s numbers show that the initiative has not succeeded in lowering the number of traffic deaths.

The year 2023 saw 336 people killed in traffic accidents—up by approximately eight percent from the previous year, according to the Los Angeles Times. Over 50% of those deaths were pedestrians (179), which is the highest number of pedestrian deaths “since the city started keeping statistics more than two decades ago,” according to the Los Angeles Times. Fatal hit-and-runs increased by 23% and cost the lives of over 100 people.

Los accidentes de tráfico en los que se ven implicados vehículos de todo tipo son una de las principales causas de muerte evitable en todo el país. Según el Centros de Control y Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC)La tasa global de mortalidad por accidentes de tráfico es inferior a la de hace 20 años. Sin embargo, sigue siendo lo suficientemente alta como para preocupar a cualquiera que viva en Los Ángeles.

Los Ángeles Servicios Judiciales

The Los Angeles Superior Court serves the residents of Los Angeles County with 38 courtrooms spread across 4,000 square miles. Below are important links for the Superior Court.

Tribunal Superior (600 S Commonwealth Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90005) 

Lugares de la Corte 

Pequeñas reivindicaciones 

Let a Personal Injury Lawyer from KJT Law Group Be Your Legal Resource in LA

Our Los Angeles personal injury attorneys handle cases on a contingency-fee basis. You owe us nothing up front and you pay us nothing unless and until you recover compensation in your personal injury claim or lawsuit. You pay our attorney’s fees out of the settlement or award you receive at the end of your case. There is no risk when you enlist our services.

If you or someone you love was injured due to another person’s negligence, contact KJT Law Group for a free consultation to discuss your legal rights and options. Our personal injury law firm will stand by you from start to finish, regardless of whether you were injured in a motor vehicle accident, dog attack, or slip and fall.

We help injured people in LA and throughout Southern California.

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