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Do I Need an Attorney for My Slip and Fall Accident?

You could deal with the at-fault party and their insurance company and attempt to resolve your slip and fall case without an attorney. While you do not need an attorney for your slip and fall accident case, a lawyer can handle everything on your behalf. Hiring a slip and fall attorney to represent means having […]

Legal Recourse: Types of Compensation Available in Slip and Fall Claims

The compensation you can recover depends on the specifics of your premises liability case. However, most slip and fall compensation covers economic and non-economic damages.  Our slip and fall accident lawyers can investigate your accident to determine what you can recover. Economic Damages in Slip and Fall Cases Economic damages are those that have a […]

The Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Liability in Slip and Fall Cases

Understanding who is responsible for your slip and fall injuries can be difficult. Our premises liability attorneys have compiled a comprehensive guide to demystifying slip and fall liability. What You Need to Prove to Recover Compensation Slips and falls are under the umbrella of premises liability. A premises liability case occurs when an accident victim […]

How Much Compensation Can You Get for a Slip and Fall at a Workplace

Compensation for Slip and Fall

The amount of compensation you could receive for a slip and fall at a workplace varies on a case-by-case basis. In general, workplace accidents, including slips and falls, result in workers’ compensation claims. Workers’ compensation benefits depend on your injuries, time away from work, and average weekly earnings. On top of that, there are state […]

How Can I Prove Negligence in a Slip and Fall Case

negligence in a slip and fall accident

Negligence in a Slip and Fall Case If you’ve been injured in a slip and fall accident due to someone else’s negligence, you will need to compile evidence to prove that the other party failed to take due care. To prove negligence, you can use photos, videos, and witness statements, among other things. However, it […]

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