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When and How to Hire a Personal Injury Attorney for a Workplace Accident

After suffering a work-related injury, you may feel overwhelmed at the thought of navigating the claims process alone. At a time like this, you could benefit from partnering with a personal injury attorney who can file your claim and seek fair compensation for your losses. But you may be unsure of when to hire an […]

What Are My Options If I Am Injured at Work by Faulty Equipment?

If your employer is required to carry workers’ compensation insurance, you have options if you are injured at work by faulty equipment. Your first option is to file a workers’ compensation claim. These benefits will provide you with medical care at no cost, as well as a portion of your lost wages until you recover […]

Why Do Workplace Injuries Increase Around Summer?

Workplace Injuries Increase Around Summer

Increased product demand, excessive temperatures, and seasonal workers without proper training all contribute to why workplace injuries increase in the summer months. This isn’t just a theory either. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that the months of June, July, and August do actually produce the most workplace injuries.Because of this elevated risk, […]

Can I Claim Compensation for Psychological Injury at Workplace?

Can I Claim Compensation for Psychological Injury at Workplace?

You can claim compensation for a psychological injury at the workplace, but the process for doing so can be more complex than seeking compensation for a physical injury. If you would like assistance with filing or pursuing your claim, consider hiring a workers’ comp attorney to represent you. What Are Workplace Psychological Injuries? The phrase […]

Top Causes of Machine Accidents in the Workplace

Machine Accidents in the Workplace

Machines are a major source of injury in the workplace. Robots and machines enhance production speed and efficiency in many industries, including manufacturing, construction, and healthcare.Unfortunately, inadequate maintenance, defective machinery, unsafe work practices, and insufficient safety measures can cause severe injuries and even death. To protect yourself and others, read on and learn more about […]

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