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How Can a Personal Injury Lawyer Help You Navigate a Complex Product Liability Case?

When it comes to a complex product liability case, you do not want to try to navigate this process on your own. These cases pit injured victims against large companies that have seemingly limitless resources. When you hire a personal injury lawyer to manage your product liability case, they will take care of your legal matters while you focus on healing. Handling your case comes with many obligations, from investigating the circumstances of your injury to calculating what constitutes a fair settlement. 

A Personal Injury Lawyer Can Handle Everything Your Case Entails 

When a product liability attorney manages an injury case for you, we take care of everything. We will advise you to focus on your medical treatment and well-being. Throughout this complex process, we will provide you with regular case updates, and our attorneys will be available to answer your questions.

A complex product liability case may make it difficult to determine what happened and hold the liable party accountable. Your lawyer will handle all aspects of investigating your case, presenting compelling evidence, demanding fair compensation, and negotiating a fair settlement.

If necessary, they will sue the product manufacturer or another liable party and represent your best interests at a jury trial. This may be more likely in a complex case, although many successful cases still settle before trial despite their complexity.

Why Are Complex Product Liability Cases So Difficult?

Product liability injury cases are often complex for several reasons. First, the injured party is usually an individual fighting a legal battle against a large corporation. The financial resources available to each party differ significantly. The victim may need to go toe-to-toe with a team of corporate lawyers to negotiate a fair settlement if they do not work with a lawyer. 

It can also be difficult to determine liability in these cases. A dangerous product defect could occur during the product’s design, manufacture, marketing, or distribution. The defect could be with the product, its instructions, or missing warnings. Many parties can play a role in the process, especially if one company designed the product, another makes it, and a third sells it. 

Sometimes, product liability cases may support a mass tort. When this occurs, you could work with a mass tort lawyer who is familiar with how these cases work. A mass tort, such as multidistrict litigation (MDL) or a class action lawsuit, is when many people with similar cases against the same liable parties work together to build a case. Each of these processes works differently, and you will want a personal injury attorney who understands them.

What Damages Can a Personal Injury Lawyer Recover?

When we handle these cases, our goal is to recover fair compensation for everything our client needs, including their anticipated care costs and non-economic damages, like pain and suffering. As part of evaluating what you’re owed, we consider your condition’s severity, its effect on your life, and your missed time from work. 

Once we understand what constitutes a fair settlement offer, we do everything possible to recover damages such as: 

  • Pain and suffering 
  • Other non-economic damages, including emotional distress 
  • Medical care costs, current and future
  • Ongoing support needs
  • Current and future income losses
  • Diminished earning ability
  • Property damage costs (if applicable) 
  • Childcare costs
  • Temporary transportation arrangements
  • Modifications to your family home or car to accommodate a disability 
  • Punitive damages (if applicable) 

Your lawyer can also pursue the cost of anything you spent out of pocket on various injury-related expenses. 

When Should I Talk to a Personal Injury Attorney About My Injuries?

We recommend calling our law firm at your earliest convenience. We help our clients understand their rights and build strong cases regardless of how complicated their product liability cases may be. 

In California, we generally have up to two years to begin a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit under CCP § 335.1. However, we need to begin our investigation as soon as possible after an injury occurs. This ensures we can gather the most evidence available to support the case. Furthermore, if we wait too long to file your personal injury lawsuit, the court could dismiss your case, leaving you with few financial recovery options. 

Discuss Your Complex Product Liability Injuries With Our Personal Injury Team

KJT Law Group provides free consultations for victims and their families. If a dangerous or defective product caused your severe injuries, we are here to help. We provide legal assistance for product liability cases with no upfront fees. Our team knows how to handle these cases and navigate the personal injury claims process.

Contact us today for your free case review. These consultations are no obligation and completely free and confidential. You can speak to our team at no cost to you or your family. Dial (818) 507-8525 to begin. 

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