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The Importance of Timely Action: When to Consult a Personal Injury Attorney

Whether you take timely action to consult a personal injury attorney about your case could have an effect on its outcome, including how much compensation you can recover. Getting legal advice about pursuing accident compensation should be your top priority following medical care and the stabilization of your injuries. 

You should contact a Los Angeles personal injury lawyer as soon as your injuries allow. At KJT Law Group, we provide free initial case consultations. You can learn more about your case and how we can help you navigate the process. Contact us today to talk about your injury accident.

Talk to an Attorney Quickly After Your Injuries Occur

When it comes to getting legal representation for a personal injury case, you want to hire an attorney as soon as possible. This often requires waiting a few days for your injuries to stabilize, but you do not want to keep putting it off until weeks or even months pass. There are three main advantages of hiring an attorney quickly after an injury: 

  • They protect your legal rights after an injury
  • They begin work on building your case right away
  • You can focus on your treatment and healing

Some evidence does not last for long following an accident. For example, tracks from a braking vehicle could wash away as soon as it rains, and most local businesses only keep surveillance video—which could show your crash—for a week or two. The sooner our attorneys begin investigating what happened, the stronger the case may be. 

Is There a Deadline to Sue in a Personal Injury Case?

Every state sets its own statute of limitations for filing an injury lawsuit. This is the deadline for filing the initial paperwork and beginning the lawsuit. It ultimately sets the deadline for getting started in most cases. While it only applies to lawsuits, recovering fair compensation from an insurance claim when you cannot use the leverage of a lawsuit in negotiations is difficult. 

An accident attorney can advise you on the possible deadlines in your case during your free consultation. In California, they generally include: 

  • Two years in personal injury cases under CCP § 335.1
  • Two years in wrongful death cases under CCP § 335.1
  • Three years in medical malpractice cases under CCP § 340.5

Even if the attorney believes you will need to file a lawsuit in your case, you will want to hire them well before this deadline arrives. There are many steps they must take in advance to prepare and file the lawsuit on time. 

What Is My Personal Injury Attorney’s Role in My Case?

The role of a personal injury attorney is to manage injury claims for their client. This includes:

  • Managing all conversations with the insurance carrier
  • Gathering evidence and building a compelling case
  • Valuing the case
  • Demanding fair compensation
  • Negotiating a fair settlement when possible
  • Suing the at-fault party as necessary

Your attorney and their team will provide all the legal assistance and support you need to manage your case. They will take care of everything from start to finish. You can be as involved or uninvolved as you want or as your injuries allow. You can attend your appointments or get back to some of your previous activities (as your injuries allow) while your lawyer provides regular case updates. 

Alternatively, you can participate actively in your case. You may want to help obtain medical records, collect bills, and sort receipts for your lawyer. They can also provide other tasks if you want to be actively involved. It is up to you. They will provide the same level of knowledge, experience, reputation, and resources either way. 

What Should I Do After a Personal Injury Accident?

If you were hurt and received medical care for your injuries, it is time for a personal injury attorney consultation. Most law firms, including KJT Law Group, provide free case reviews for those who were hurt by someone else’s carelessness or recklessness. The goals of these consultations include: 

  • Answering your questions
  • Assessing your legal options
  • Learning more about the strength of your case
  • Determining how the attorney can help
  • Learning about attorney’s fees and how payment works

Many victims decide they are ready to hire an attorney during this initial consultation. When that occurs, the lawyer can manage the contracts and then get started on the case right away. This means the victim’s rights are protected, and they can focus all their attention on healing from their physical and emotional injuries. 

Discuss Your Next Steps With Our Personal Injury Team for Free Today

At KJT Law Group, our team provides free consultations for those who suffered injuries in a Los Angeles accident or negligence incident. We also handle cases in many nearby areas. We will review your options and discuss how we can help. Contact us now at (818) 507-8525 to get started. 

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