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What Legal Rights Do Patients Have in Cases of Dental Malpractice, and How Can a Lawyer Assist?

When a dentist acts negligently and causes a patient to suffer injuries, the patient has a legal right to hold them accountable and seek fair compensation. A dental malpractice lawyer familiar with these cases can file a dental malpractice lawsuit on behalf of victims, seeking fair compensation on their behalf. 

Most law firms that represent dental malpractice victims provide free initial case consultations. You can talk to a law firm representative from our firm who can assess your options and explain your legal rights based on your case details. 

Victims of Dental Malpractice Have a Right to Hold the Dentist Accountable

Those who suffer preventable injuries due to dental negligence have a right to hold the dentist or another liable party accountable. They can file a dental malpractice lawsuit to seek fair compensation for the expenses and losses they experienced. This includes both economic and non-economic costs. 

They also have a right to hire a dental negligence attorney to handle their malpractice claim. Our injury lawyers provide representation for victims without charging upfront fees. This means anyone can afford to pay for our services. They only pay a portion of their payout and only if your lawyer wins the case. 

Your attorney will work from the time they are hired to protect their client’s rights. Our law firm will manage all communication about the case and navigate the process for the client.

How Do I Know If I Have the Right to File a Dental Malpractice Claim?

When a dentist or another professional dental care provider acts negligently and causes preventable injuries, this is malpractice. However, it can be difficult to know whether the injuries occurred because of negligence. 

Medical care professionals, including dentists, must provide an acceptable standard of care to all patients. If they fail to, the injuries suffered likely support dental malpractice claims. 

The best way to know if you may have a right to file a claim is to consult a dental malpractice attorney. Our firm has a robust network of medical experts who will review what happened and testify about the standard of care expected under the given circumstances. This is crucial evidence in most dental malpractice cases.  

What Damages Do I Have the Right to Recover in a Dental Malpractice Case?

When a dental malpractice lawyer handles your case, they will seek fair compensation for you based on your expenses and losses. This could vary greatly depending on the circumstances and the severity of your injury. If you have a catastrophic injury that prevents you from working and requires long-term care, your case will likely be worth more than someone who suffered relatively minor injuries that healed in a few weeks or months.

Your lawyer will identify the recoverable damages you suffered. They will gather documentation to show they occurred and their value. They may also work with experts to determine your prognosis and estimated future care costs. They use this to determine what a fair settlement range might be. This is essential when negotiating a settlement with the malpractice insurance carrier. 

While the potential value of your dental malpractice claim depends on your injuries and their physical, emotional, and financial cost, some types of recoverable damages in these cases often include:

  • Medical and dental care costs related to your injuries
  • Income losses from missed work
  • Reduced earning ability for long-term injuries
  • Related expenses with receipts
  • Pain and suffering damages

Generally, California law gives you one year to sue for dental malpractice damages. However, we often resolve these cases through a settlement well in advance of this deadline. To ensure we have the time we need to build your case and prepare for a potential lawsuit, you should talk to an attorney about your case as soon as you realize you suffered injuries. 

How Can a Dental Malpractice Attorney Assist With My Case?

When an injured patient hires a dental malpractice attorney from our firm to handle their case, the client can focus on their healing while we seek dental malpractice compensation on their behalf. The lawyer handles all aspects of navigating the process, building the case, and getting justice for their client. 

There is specific evidence in a medical malpractice case that is usually required before the case can proceed. This is generally testimony or an affidavit from a dental expert or another medical professional who can verify that malpractice occurred. The attorney will ensure this is available and present a compelling case to negotiate a settlement or win a jury verdict and court award.

Discuss Your Dental Malpractice Injuries With Our Team for Free

KJT Law Group provides free consultations for victims of dental negligence. You can speak to a member of our team who will explain your rights and how our team might proceed with your case. We are here to help you understand your legal options when you need us most. Contact us online or via telephone to get started with your free case review now.

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