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What you need to know about the Personal Injury Statute Of Limitation In California

If you have been injured due to a negligent act of another person, you can file a personal injury claim to recover compensation for any medical expenses, lost wages, plus pain and suffering. In California you have two years to file a personal injury lawsuit in the state of California. The two years begins on the day that you sustained the injuries. So act quickly, don’t wait!

Two years to file applies to almost every type of personal injury case from: including product liability cases, car accidents, slip and falls, truck accidents and dog bites. If you are injured and do not know it, most courts will usually allow you to file a personal injury lawsuit within two years from the date that you first discovered your injury. Plus, the court requires proof in the form of medical records that clearly shows why you did not discover the injury right after the accident. Without proof, it is possible you will not be permitted to move ahead with your lawsuit.

The Statute Of Limitations On Personal Injury Cases Filed Against The Government and Personal Injury Cases Involving Minors

Legally, filing a claim against a government agency is different than filing a claim against an individual or a business. Government rules are more stringent and if you decide to initiate a lawsuit against the government you must file within 6 months.

If the plaintiff is under the age of 18 at the time of the accident and injured by a negligent healthcare provider, the minor (or someone acting on behalf of the minor) has three years from the date of the incident to file a medical malpractice case. If a minor is injured in a car accident, animal attack, or slip and fall, they have two years from the date of their 18th birthday to file a personal injury lawsuit in the state of California.

The Statute Of Limitations On Medical Malpractice Cases In California

If you are victim of personal injury caused by a  negligent healthcare provider, you must file your Medical malpractice lawsuit within three years from the date of the injury or within one year after you first discovered the injury, whichever comes first. This law was established because injuries caused by medical malpractice are usually not observed immediately.


Working with a professional who understands the complexities associated with the Personal Injury Statute Of Limitation in California will improve the chances of you receiving your rightful compensation in a timely way. The statutes can be complicated, let the professionals at KJT LAW GROUP help. Call us at (818) 507-8525 or contact us for a free consultation. We will go over all the facts of your case and recommend the best ways to move forward.

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