It is important to report workplace injuries quickly to protect your right to file for worker’s compensation benefits. California requires employees to report workplace injuries to their employers within 30 days of the injury. If workers fail to report a work injury on time, they may be ineligible for workers’ compensation benefits. Ineligibility means they will not receive reimbursement for medical expenses or lost income for the time they missed from work.
Also, the workers’ compensation claim process can be complicated and lengthy. The sooner an injured worker reports an on-the-job injury, the sooner they can begin the process of filing for compensation. In California, all workers’ compensation claim paperwork must be submitted within one year of the injury. If you suffered a work-related injury, you can work with a workers’ compensation lawyer from KJT Law Group. Start with a free consultation today by calling (818) 507-8525.
Three Reasons to Report Accidents at Work As Soon as Possible
Time is of the essence when it comes to work-related accidents, injuries, and illnesses. Reporting an on-the-job injury quickly benefits you, your employer, and your co-workers.
Reporting a Work-Related Injury Promptly Can Help Your Workers’ Compensation Claim
Reporting workplace accidents quickly can help your chances of receiving workers’ compensation benefits. If you wait too long to report the injury, you may miss the reporting deadline, jeopardizing your eligibility for benefits. Waiting to report the injury can also undermine your credibility and make it appear as if the injury is not as serious as it is. This could reduce your ability to receive adequate compensation.
Notifying Your Employer Can Keep Other Workers Safe
Promptly reporting workplace accidents allows an employer to fix dangerous on-site conditions quickly. For example, if you suffered an injury because a piece of equipment malfunctioned, you will want to tell your employer immediately so they can repair or replace the equipment. Failing to report work injuries quickly could lead to a dangerous or defective work condition injuring other workers.
Reporting Your Work Injury Allows You to Receive Prompt Medical Attention
Regardless of how or why it happened, you must receive medical care after a work injury. You may be suffering from a concussion, internal injury, spine injury, or another injury not immediately noticeable. Tell your employer what happened so that a medical professional can evaluate you and administer any treatment you need.
How to Report Workplace Injuries in California
No matter how careful employees are, workplace injuries are bound to happen. Whether a sudden accident causes a back injury or broken bone, or cumulative trauma causes a repetitive stress injury such as carpal tunnel syndrome, reporting the workplace injury is critical.
Employees have essential rights in California, including the right to receive compensation for injuries that occur at work. However, employees can lose their right to compensation by failing to follow specific steps after a work injury.
Notify Your Employer Verbally and in Writing
For many employees, verbally communicating with a manager or supervisor is the first step to reporting a work-related injury. However, it is important to follow up with a written notification of the injury, too. This ensures the employee has proof that they notified the employer within the appropriate time frame and complied with incident reporting requirements.
Some people are hesitant to report a work injury because they worry that they will be blamed for the accident or face other negative consequences. However, federal law protects an employee’s right to report injuries. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) states that no employer may discipline an employee for reporting a work-related injury or illness.
OSHA can cite employers who discourage workers from reporting workplace injuries and illnesses. Nobody should ever be afraid to report a work accident or injury. Furthermore, keeping the accident a secret can lead to serious repercussions, medically and professionally.
Fill Out the Division of Workers’ Compensation (DWC) Paperwork
Workers’ compensation insurance compensates injured employees who suffer injuries on the job. However, this financial benefit is not automatically distributed to injured employees. The employee must file a claim to start the process.
Typically, an employer will provide an injured employee with the proper paperwork, but the form is also available on the DWC website. The employee will complete the “employee” section of the form, and the employer will fill out the “employer” section of the form and send it to the DWC. The employee should keep a copy of the form for their records.
Call KJT Law Group for Help From a Workplace Injuries Lawyer Today
Reporting a work injury quickly to your employer as soon as possible can help your chances of receiving workers’ compensation for medical bills and lost wages. The clock starts ticking on the date you suffered an injury or the date you first missed work or sought medical care for a work-related injury or illness and realized (or should have realized) your job caused the injury or illness (California Code, Labor Code § 5411).
If you or a loved one got hurt at work, our law firm can help you navigate the workers’ compensation process and pursue the most compensation possible. We offer free initial consultations. Call KJT Law Group at (818) 507-8525 today.