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What Is a Lump Sum Settlement in a Workers’ Comp Claim

When you get a settlement for your workers’ compensation claim, you have the option of choosing a lump sum settlement or stipulated payment. A lump sum settlement pays the entire settlement at once, while stipulated payments distribute the settlement in installments.A lump sum payment offers certain advantages, but there are some downsides, too. The best […]

What is a Supplemental Job Displacement Voucher for Workers’ Compensation in California

The supplemental job displacement benefit (SJDB) is a voucher program for workers unable to return to their jobs due to permanent disability caused by a workplace illness or injury. The vouchers can be used for education, training, and licensing programs at accredited schools. The goal of California’s supplemental job displacement voucher for workers’ compensation is to […]

Can an Employer Terminate an Employee While on Workers Comp

Firing an employee specifically because they asked for workers’ comp benefits is illegal. You should consider talking to a workers’ compensation attorney if your employer threatens to fire you––or terminates you entirely. However, if an employer has a valid reason for wanting to fire an employee—for example, the employee was engaging in illegal behavior—then yes, […]

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