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7 Crucial Steps: What to Do If You’re a Pedestrian Hit by a Car

Getting hit by a car can be the scariest experience of your life. However, there are things you can and should do to protect yourself and your injury claim—if you decide to file one later. The seven crucial steps after a pedestrian accident are:  1. Try to Stay Calm and Get Yourself to Safety Pedestrian […]

Pedestrian Rights: Understanding Crosswalk Laws and Regulations

Liability in a pedestrian accident is often straightforward—or so it seems. Liability depends on several different factors that differ with every accident. If you were hit by a car, you may be wondering who is responsible for paying your medical bills, lost wages, and other expenses. Our pedestrian accident lawyers can help clear things up. […]

Road Hazards and Liability: Holding Others Accountable for Motorcycle Accidents

A motorcycle accident doesn’t always involve two vehicles. Sometimes it involves a bike and a road hazard. Whether the hazard is debris, a dangerous work zone, or another dangerous object or circumstance, a motorcycle accident lawyer will identify those responsible for the hazard. Road Hazards That Contribute to Motorcycle Accidents Motorcycle riders and passengers have […]

How Can an Employment Law Lawyer Help Me Navigate Workplace Discrimination?

Workplace discrimination is illegal, but proving it can be difficult. This is especially true if you have no legal experience. Our employment law lawyers can help you seek justice, hold the person discriminating against you accountable, and work to help you keep your job or get a settlement that will allow you to make ends […]

Legal Recourse: Types of Compensation Available in Slip and Fall Claims

The compensation you can recover depends on the specifics of your premises liability case. However, most slip and fall compensation covers economic and non-economic damages.  Our slip and fall accident lawyers can investigate your accident to determine what you can recover. Economic Damages in Slip and Fall Cases Economic damages are those that have a […]

The Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Liability in Slip and Fall Cases

Understanding who is responsible for your slip and fall injuries can be difficult. Our premises liability attorneys have compiled a comprehensive guide to demystifying slip and fall liability. What You Need to Prove to Recover Compensation Slips and falls are under the umbrella of premises liability. A premises liability case occurs when an accident victim […]

Post-Accident Checklist: What to Do and Avoid, According to Personal Injury Lawyers

The aftermath of a crash can be jarring; however, it’s important to make the right decisions to protect yourself and your case. Following this post-accident checklist devised by our personal injury attorneys can help you make those decisions. The first thing you need to do after an accident is determine whether you or someone else […]

Legal Implications of Road Rage Accidents: Protecting Your Rights

Drivers who cause road rage accidents face criminal charges. The penalties for road rage accidents can depend on several factors. While these criminal consequences are a way to deter future road rage incidents, the fines and jail time that these reckless drivers face don’t directly benefit victims of these accidents. However, it’s important to note […]

Compensation in Wrongful Death Cases: Factors and Considerations

There are several factors to consider when determining damages in wrongful death cases, including the deceased person’s: Other details that can affect a wrongful death settlement or award include who caused and contributed to the accident, and whether your loved one was partially at fault can also. Below, we will detail how the factors above […]

Environmental Factors and Personal Injury Cases: Uncovering Hidden Liabilities

In some cases, it’s unclear who (if anyone) is liable for an injury. This can be especially true in cases caused by environmental factors, such as toxic exposure, air pollution, water and soil contamination, industrial waste, and hazardous substances cases. The liable party will depend on several factors specific to the case. Our team of […]

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