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How Can an Employment Law Lawyer Help Me Navigate Workplace Discrimination?

Workplace discrimination is illegal, but proving it can be difficult. This is especially true if you have no legal experience. Our employment law lawyers can help you seek justice, hold the person discriminating against you accountable, and work to help you keep your job or get a settlement that will allow you to make ends meet while you find a new job.

Help You Determine Whether What You Experienced Is Discrimination

Our attorney will help you establish whether what you experienced can legally be considered discrimination. To do so, we’ll explain the legal definition of discrimination and review your case to determine whether you have a discrimination claim. 

What is considered workplace discrimination under the law: treating someone differently (typically in a less favorable way) for a specific reason. 

It can include:

  • Harassment 
  • Retaliation, such as wrongful termination or demotion for reporting harassment, an unsafe workplace, meal and break violations, or overtime violations
  • Inappropriate questions about your genetic makeup
  • Unfair treatment based on your membership in a protected class (e.g., sex, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, race, religion, pregnancy status, national origin, etc.)
  • Refusing to make a reasonable change to accommodate religious beliefs or disability

We Will Ensure You Understand Your Options and the Law

Employment law is complex. Our attorneys will: 

  • Educate you on labor laws and your legal rights in the workplace
  • Break down any jargon to help you understand
  • Review your contract and any evidence or documentation you have (e.g., your contract may prove that you are not an “at-will” employee, which means your employee cannot fire you for any reason)
  • Explain potential complexities in your case 
  • Explore your options, such as dispute resolution
  • Determine if any loopholes in your contract could get your employer out of taking responsibility

Our team will also level the playing field. Employers are often backed by intimidating legal teams that make it difficult for employees to fight for what they deserve.

We’ll Help You Determine Your Next Steps

Our employment discrimination lawyers will help you determine what steps we should take to protect you and your case during this difficult time:

  • Gather evidence (e.g., forward yourself any emails or messages that illustrate the discrimination, get the contact information of any witnesses, get copies of any reports you’ve filed) 
  • File an HR complaint 
  • Speak with our employment law team
  • File a complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and California Civil Rights Division (CRD), if necessary

Our Employment Law Attorneys Will Build a Strong Case

We’ll use the evidence we’ve gathered to prove how your employer or a coworker has discriminated against you. We will establish a pattern of discrimination and demonstrate how your employer treated you differently. 

Fight for the Compensation You Deserve

Our team will investigate your case to determine what exactly you can recover and what a fair settlement may look like. 

You can recover two different types of damages for workplace discrimination: 

  • Compensatory damages: Compensation for your economic and non-economic losses
  • Injunctive relief: What the court orders to ensure the employer does not engage in this behavior again

Compensatory damages include: 

  • Back pay (wages you lost due to the discrimination)
  • Lost earning capacity (also called “front pay,” these are wages you will lose in the future)
  • Any economic damages related to your discrimination (e.g., medical expenses or job search costs)
  • Benefits you lost
  • Legal fees
  • Emotional harm
  • Pain and suffering

Punitive damages may also be available in cases of egregious discrimination. 

The injunctive relief available depends on how the discrimination you endured impacted you, but includes things like: 

  • Getting your job back
  • Reasonable accommodations for a disability or religious belief
  • Getting a job or promotion that you were rejected from due to discrimination

Settlements Our Team Has Recovered

Our team fights for justice for employees who are victims of workplace discrimination and harassment. Some of the settlements and awards we have recovered include: 

  • $550,000 for an employee sexually harassed by a supervisor
  • $460,000 for an employee sexually harassed by a supervisor
  • $295,000 for an employee who was mistreated and underpaid
  • $200,000 for an employee who was unlawfully terminated and suffered harassment
  • $115,000 for a retail worker who suffered workplace harassment

While these settlements do not guarantee results, we hope they prove our dedication to justice.

Our Employment Law Lawyers Will Fight for You

Our employment law team is dedicated to seeking justice for you, whether that means recovering compensation, getting you reinstated or promoted, or getting you reasonable accommodations. 

Call KJT Law Group to see how our team can help you: (818) 507-8525. The initial consultation is free and confidential. 

We Will Fight For You

Contact our firm to get started.
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