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¿Cómo funcionan los acuerdos de accidentes automovilísticos?

Under California’s Fair Claims Settlement Regulations, you should hear from an insurance company within 15 days of filing a claim. The company must accept or deny the claim within 40 days after fathering the proof. If you’re waiting on a settlement payment, this can seem like an unbelievably long period of time. In order to […]

¿Pueden las personas de todas las edades tener un caso de mala práctica médica?

Are there age limits to a medical malpractice suit? Anyone can file a claim. You must follow the malpractice statutes of limitation in your state. You need to file the claim before you run out of time. Note that issues like fraud, intentional concealment and foreign objects are not bound to the statutes of limitation requirements. California […]

The Importance Of Going To The Hospital After A Car Accident

Every day in the U.S., approximately 6,438 drivers and passengers are injured in car crashes. Another 102 or so are killed in car crashes. Car accidents occur all the time, but when you’re in one, panic takes over and often keeps you from rationally thinking about what you need to do. One thing that people […]

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