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¿Tienes derecho a una indemnización por tus lesiones?

So many people ask us, am I entitled to compensation for my injuries? Here are 3 questions to answer that will help you figure out your personal situation- Did you suffer a personal injury or was it just property damage? Were your injuries caused by another person or entity negligence? Do you have recoverable damages? […]

¿Es tu lesión una discapacidad permanente o temporal?

If you have been injured on the job, money and lost wages are issues that can not be ignored.  In California, there are systems in place to provide funds for injury recovery and supplement lost income. The type of disability you are eligible for will determine what type of disability benefits you will receive.Through California Workers […]

Hechos que debes saber sobre "un deslizamiento y caída" en las tiendas minoristas

Yes, every retailer must legally ensure that there are no safety hazards on their property. Keeping their customers safe, should on the top of every retailers list, but unfortunately it is not. You can slip and fall from broken products, liquid spills, and uneven flooring if not taken care of immediately. You might even suffer […]

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