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Conducir fatigado o ebrio: ¿cuál es peor?

Did you know that there’s a drunk driving death at least once every 52 minutes in the United States? That’s 28 fatalities each day because of drunk driving. Even more, there are 100,000 crashes each year because of drowsy driving. Drunk and fatigued driving are two of the most dangerous actions on the road, yet […]

3 peligros que aumentan los accidentes alrededor de las vacaciones

While all holidays pose a potential risk to drivers on the road, the stretch between Halloween and New Year’s is particularly dangerous for several reasons. During this time, drivers must stay as safe as possible, recognizing the dangers that they may encounter. Below, we’ll detail three of the major dangers that often increase the risk […]

¿Puedo responsabilizar a alguien en un accidente relacionado con el tiempo?

As winter approaches, the rain will start to fall throughout Los Angeles. It’s not always a lot of rain, but we know by now that plenty of people panic in the rain, fog, and heavy winds. Unfortunately, winter weather often causes some of the most devastating crashes, and injury victims should know their rights to […]

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