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¿Puedo reemplazar mi máquina CPAP recogida?

In June 2021, Philips Respironics recalled several CPAP machines and other ventilator devices. While you can get your recalled CPAP machine replaced, consider speaking to an LA mass tort attorney if you’ve recently experienced any adverse health conditions. They can help you understand your legal options. If your health challenges are linked to a recalled […]

Listado de máquinas CPAP de Philips, ventiladores

Across America, people with sleep apnea rely on continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines to help them sleep better. According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), CPAP machines use mild air pressure to keep the airway open while the user sleeps. People use a CPAP machine to improve their sleep quality, prevent or reduce […]

¿Cómo puede Philips CPAP afectar sus pulmones?

While people suffering from sleep apnea use a CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machine to help them breathe at night, unfortunately, Philips CPAP machines can negatively affect the lungs. Philips Respironics, the company that produces Philips CPAP machines, has recalled many models because of their potentially dangerous side effects. Alarmingly, CBS Boston reports that Philips […]

¿Cómo funciona un juicio de tortura masiva?

A mass tort lawsuit works by grouping multiple individual lawsuits together while preserving each plaintiff’s unique case and distinct damages. A mass tort lawsuit allows many people with similar injuries from the same source to collectively bring their personal injury cases against the same defendant.   If you were injured by a defective product, dangerous medication, […]

¿Qué puedo recuperar después de un accidente automovilístico?

what can i recover after a car accident

When you suffer injuries in a car accident, you have immediate needs to recover from the physical and emotional trauma you experience. Unfortunately, you may also experience financial troubles that you would like to remedy as quickly as possible. Seeking compensation for your injuries is vital. And in personal injury law, you may recover two […]

5 cosas que debe saber sobre los ajustadores de seguros

5 cosas que debe saber sobre los ajustadores de seguros

A crash can be devastating in its own right, but when you have to deal with insurance adjusters, it can be even more challenging to endure. Before you move forward, it’s critical to recognize what adjusters are about and how they work during accident claims. Insurance adjusters can make an already traumatic experience significantly more […]

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