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Accident Injury Attorney in Southern California

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Filing a Personal Injury Claim in California

Getting hurt in an accident can change your way of life. You’re in pain, you have extra medical expenses, you can’t work due to your injuries, and the list continues. If your injuries result from another person’s careless actions, you may have grounds to bring a case for compensation against them. Whether you were involved in an auto accident, a slip and fall, or another type of incident, the accident injury team at KJT Law Group can help. Our Southern California accident injury lawyers will work with you to get you the compensation you deserve. Call us today at (818) 507-8525.

Types of Accidents Our Injury Attorneys Can Assist You With

People may believe that an “accident” only involves vehicle accidents. However, KJT Law Group handles a variety of accident and injury cases, including: Even if you have been injured in an incident that we didn’t mention here, a team member at KJT Law Group is ready to discuss your options.

Getting You the Compensation You Deserve After an Accident in California

Even if your injuries don’t seem too severe, they can still significantly impact your day-to-day life. Personal injury laws help victims recover from the financial impact an accident can have—especially when the accident was not their fault and due to another person’s reckless or negligent behavior.

KJT Law Group can fight to get you compensation for the following damages:

  • Medical care includes costs for all accident-related injuries, such as emergency room visits, ambulance rides, hospitalization, surgeries, medications, medical equipment, follow-up appointments, physical therapy, counseling, home health aides or services, future medically necessary treatment or aftercare, and home modifications such as wheelchair ramps and safety devices
  • Lost income from wages, commissions, benefits, future promotions and raises, and lost or reduced earning capability
  • Pain and suffering includes current and expected or ongoing pain, associated emotional distress, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Disfigurement and the emotional trauma of scarring or permanent changes to your appearance
  • Diminished quality of life and the inconvenience of relearning routine tasks or trying to learn to compensate for a permanent disability

Every Personal Injury Case Is Unique

Receiving monetary compensation can’t fix permanent injuries. Still, it will aim to assist with the financial burden of suffering a significant injury. KJT Law Group will examine the facts of your accident and how they affect your life. In deciding on how much compensation you deserve, we will look at several factors, including:

  • Your medical expenses
  • Your ability to work or lack thereof
  • The effect on your future earning potential
  • How severe your injuries are
  • The inconvenience to your life
  • The impact your injury has on your family

You can learn more about recovering compensation during a free case evaluation with our team.

Understanding Negligence in a California Accident Case

In California, the pure comparative negligence system under California Civil Jury Instructions (CACI) 406 determines the level of fault in an accident. The system assigns different levels of negligence, meaning that even a victim may be partially responsible for what happened. When the fault is split between more than one negligent party, the compensation amounts may be adjusted accordingly. For instance, if you slip on a wet floor that was marked with an appropriate warning sign, you may be found to be partially responsible for the accident. The court may reduce the percentage of negligence on your part that contributed to the accident. However, you can still receive compensation for your injuries.

How We Prove Negligence in a Personal Injury Case

To prove that a party acted negligently, we must demonstrate their actions using the four elements of negligence:

  • Duty of care means that the party had a responsibility to keep your best interests and safety in mind, such as driving according to the laws of the road.
  • Breach of duty happens when they neglect to perform their duty, such as when a person drives recklessly or speeds.
  • Causation shows that the breach of duty caused the accident.
  • Damage refers to any injuries or property damage you suffered due to their negligence. 

When KJT Law Group evaluates the evidence for your claim, we will look for the elements of negligence to support your case.

The Statute of Limitations on Accident Injury Cases in California

In California, per CCP § 335.1, the statute of limitations is generally two years for personal injury lawsuits. The same time frame typically applies to wrongful death cases, as well. The state strictly enforces this deadline, and if you don’t file before it expires, you may not be able to recover damages from the liable party.

Typical Injuries You May Suffer in an Accident

Some of the most common injuries seen in accidents of every type include: Victims can also suffer cuts, abrasions, sprains, strains, and bruises. Even if you don’t think your injury is severe, we always recommend seeking medical treatment after an accident. Some injuries, such as whiplash and TBI, may not appear immediately. The adrenaline from an accident may trick your body into thinking it is okay. In the case of TBIs, swelling may worsen several days after an accident and can cause severe problems. Always seek medical attention after an accident.

How Our Injury Attorneys Can Help After an Accident in Southern California

At KJT Law Group, our team will work to get you compensation for your accident. There are many things we do to get you compensation, including:

  • Investigating your accident
  • Determining who was at fault
  • Finding the liable parties and holding them accountable
  • Make sure all forms and legal documents are filed correctly and on time
  • Speaking with witnesses
  • Hiring expert witnesses if necessary
  • Handling all communications with the representatives of the defendant
  • Negotiating a fair compensation with the insurer
  • Going to trial if necessary

The personal injury team at KJT Law Group will help you through this confusing and stressful period.

Our Southern California Accident Injury Lawyers Will Work on Contingency

We understand the financial difficulties you may be experiencing after the accident. So, to help lessen this burden, our attorneys will represent you on a contingency-fee basis. That means no upfront or out-of-pocket fees or retainers are due. Instead, we collect our fee from the financial recovery we secure for you.

This way, you limit your financial risk and allow us to get to work on your case right away.

Conducting a Thorough Investigation of the Southern California Accident

During our confidential and complimentary case evaluation, we will look at everything and answer any additional questions you may have regarding your claim.

After this consultation, we will conduct a complete investigation into your accident. Our investigation will seek to uncover all the facts to determine who is at fault and who is liable for your injuries and damages.

Reconstructing the Accident

In some cases, it may become necessary for KJT Law Group to hire an accident scene reconstruction specialist. Their job is to examine all the evidence and recreate the sequence of events that took place in your accident. That way, it will be easier to identify who and what caused your accident.

The Importance of Expert Witnesses

We may request assistance from medical witnesses or accident reconstruction experts to help us understand as much as possible. Medical witnesses testify about the nature of severity of your injuries.

These witnesses add credibility to your version of the events leading up to, during, and after your accident.

What to Do Right After an Accident

When you have had an accident, what you do immediately afterward can impact your compensation. Following a short set of steps can assist KJT Law Group in presenting your case. Immediately after an accident, we recommend you:

  • Call 911 if there are any injuries.
  • Check on everyone else involved.
  • Exchange contact and insurance information.
  • If it is safe – take pictures of the scene and the injuries.
  • Get medical care.
  • Contact our firm.

The faster you take these steps, especially the last two, the stronger your case may be. Prompt action will show the insurance company that the accident was a direct cause of your injuries and that you’re working fast to get help for them.

KJT Law Group Is Only a Phone Call Away

Discussing your case with our firm is a no-risk way to evaluate if you should fight for compensation for your injuries. A personal injury lawyer in Southern California  at KJT Law Group can assess your claim and tell you what your steps to compensation should be. Contact us for a free case evaluation at (818) 507-8525.
If you or someone you love was injured due to another person’s negligence, contact KJT Law Group at (818) 507-8525 for a free consultation to discuss your legal rights and options.

We Will Fight For You

Contact our firm to get started.
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