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The Impact of Treatment Errors on Patient Outcomes: A Legal Perspective

The impact of treatment errors and other types of medical malpractice on patients often leads to poor physical and psychological outcomes. This result is accurate even in cases where they were not extremely sick or seriously injured before the malpractice occurred.  Thankfully, it is often possible for victims to recover compensation and hold the doctor […]

How to File a Lawsuit Against Defective Medical Implants and Devices

Product liability laws apply when filing a lawsuit for defective medical implants and devices. A product liability lawyer can explain more about how to file a lawsuit against defective medical implants and devices, which involves holding a manufacturer liable for negligence.  There are several ways a manufacturer can be found negligent when faulty medical devices […]

When Should I Consult a Lawyer After a Truck Accident?

It is up to you to decide when you should consult a lawyer after a truck accident or if you want to hire a lawyer at all. That said, the sooner you can get an attorney’s advice, the simpler it may be for you to seek compensation and the harder it may be for the […]

How to Deal With Insurance Adjusters After a Personal Injury Accident

The best way to deal with insurance adjusters is by hiring a personal injury law firm and letting them talk to the adjuster on your behalf. The insurance company may try various tactics to reduce how much they have to pay you after an accident, and an attorney can protect your rights if and when […]

Emotional Trauma: An Often Overlooked Aspect of Personal Injury

Getting hurt isn’t just painful to your body but also to your mind, yet personal injury settlements often overlook emotional trauma damages. While a broken bone has direct bills and losses—hospital expenses, follow-up doctor appointments, pain medication prescriptions, missed days at work—emotional pain isn’t as easily summed up by a piece of paper. This can […]

¿Puedes reabrir un caso de lesiones personales?

Después de recibir el consejo de su abogado y revisar los términos de un acuerdo de conciliación, usted puso su firma en papel, y su caso de lesiones personales llegó a su fin. El proveedor de seguros de la parte negligente hizo un pago, pero ahora desea reabrir su caso porque resulta que no recibió suficiente compensación.

¿Cuánto tiempo debe tomar un caso de lesiones personales para establecerse?

No hay un marco de tiempo específico para cuánto tiempo un caso de lesiones personales "debería llevarlo a establecerse. Cada caso es diferente, por lo que el marco de tiempo para la solución puede variar dramáticamente. Algunos casos se establecen en unos pocos meses, mientras que otros toman varios años.

¿Qué porcentaje toman los abogados por lesiones personales?

Many personal injury lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, where a portion of their client’s settlement pays for their attorney’s fees. The percentage a lawyer withdraws depends on your case’s contractual obligations, and they’ll explain that arrangement at the beginning of your partnership.  There shouldn’t be any surprises when it comes to your lawyer’s […]

¿Qué necesita saber para presentar una reclamación de lesiones catastróficas?

Know About Filing a Catastrophic Injury Claim

Catastrophic injuries are severe and often require extensive medical attention. When you hire a personal injury attorney, they can provide information on exactly what you need to know when filing a catastrophic injury claim.  One important thing to know about catastrophic injury claims is that you could recover more in damages. A catastrophic injury could […]

¿Cuánta compensación puedes obtener por un descenso y caída en un lugar de trabajo?

Compensation for Slip and Fall

The amount of compensation you could receive for a slip and fall at a workplace varies on a case-by-case basis. In general, workplace accidents, including slips and falls, result in workers’ compensation claims. Workers’ compensation benefits depend on your injuries, time away from work, and average weekly earnings. On top of that, there are state […]

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