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Lo que debes saber sobre las pausas de comida y descanso

If your boss violates California rest and meal and state laws, you may be able to sue your employer for not allowing you to have your legal amount of meal or rest breaks. For instance, if your employer denies you a meal break, or does not compensate you for your rest break, they can suffer […]

Accidentes de camiones versus accidentes automovilísticos Lo que necesita saber

Despite what you may have heard or read, all motor vehicle accidents are not treated equally by the law. A truck accident is defined as vehicle crashes involving 18-wheelers, tractor trailers, semi-trucks and other commercial motor vehicles that cause personal injury and/or property damage. It was reported by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, “accidents […]

Terminación Injusta en California

California is an “at-will employment” state, which means that any employment relationship can be ended without prior notice or warning by the employer or the employee at any time and for any reason.  There is no general requirement that an employer have “good cause” before firing an employee. Nor is the employee entitled to any […]

¿Quiénes no están cubiertos por el seguro de compensación laboral?

If you are injured or ill on the job, Workers Comp insurance covers medical expenses and a portion of lost wages. Even though the State of California requires employers to carry Workers’ Compensation coverage, not every worker is covered. Here are some examples of those not covered by Workers Comp. Business Owners and Volunteers Business […]

¿Qué hacer después de un accidente de moto?

Simply- what you do after a motorcycle accident can have a significant impact on your ability to maximize the compensation you receive for your injuries. What you should do to protect your interests after a Motorcycle Accident The most important thing to do when you sustain a motorcycle accident injury is to seek medical attention. […]

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