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Cómo los trabajadores ’ Proceso de apelaciones de compensaciones funciona

Workers’ comp benefits are available to employees who suffered injuries and illnesses in the workplace without regard to fault. To be eligible, a company must provide these benefits through worker’s compensation insurance. If your employer’s insurance company denied your benefits claim for a work-related injury or illness, it’s important that you know how the workers’ […]

¿Cómo se calcula la compensación de los trabajadores?

Sustaining an injury on the job can set back your earning ability, but understanding how to calculate workers’ compensation benefits will help you and your attorney recover fair compensation and plan for your future accordingly. It requires a bit of math and familiarity with state law. In general, you have the right to recover up […]

Cinco diferencias entre un abogado de lesiones personales y compensación de trabajadores

If you or someone you love suffered injuries in an accident, you can seek compensation. To recover damages, you need to know who to pursue your specific case. Unlike workers’ compensation attorneys, personal injury attorneys must demonstrate fault for an accident and likely have multiple practice areas. Additional differences include the types of damages they […]

¿Es imponible la liquidación de compensación para trabajadores?

is a type of insurance that offers benefits such as financial assistance to employees who experience occupational injuries or illnesses. This system was created to protect both employees and employers and helps injured or ill workers cover costs associated with medical bills, rehabilitation, lost wages, and other related expenses.As outlineunder d in Publication 907, “Workers’ […]

¿Quién se considera un subcontratista de la compensación de los trabajadores?

A subcontractor is any worker that is hired by a general or independent contractor to complete a task. Under California law, anyone who employs other individuals must provide workers’ compensation coverage. This offers benefits if someone suffers an injury in the course of their job-related tasks. If you were injured at work as a subcontractor, then […]

¿Cuál es la adjudicación de la compensación de los trabajadores de reclamos?

Si se lesiona en el trabajo, se supone que la compensación laboral es su red de seguridad. Está destinado a brindar beneficios, como pagar sus costos médicos y proporcionar un salario parcial mientras se recupera. Sin embargo, su empleador o la compañía de seguros de su empleador podrían intentar denegar total o parcialmente su reclamo, dejándolo a la deriva sin apoyo. Cuando esto sucede, puede presentar una demanda.

¿Los voluntarios están cubiertos por la compensación de los trabajadores?

Volunteers can play an important role in our society as a whole and in many types of facilities and organizations. While they may perform many of the same tasks as full and part-time employees, their status can affect their ability to recover benefits if they suffer an on-the-job injury. If you or a loved one […]

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