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5 cosas que debes saber sobre lesiones de construcción

Construction sites have heavy machinery and other hazards that can come with a great risk of injury. When someone gets injured on a construction site, they could have to deal with the impacts of the injury for the rest of their life. There are five things you must know about construction injuries to help avoid […]

¿Cubre el Comp de los Trabajadores Condiciones Preexistentes

When someone gets hurt at work, their employer must have workers’ comp insurance. Workers’ comp benefits can help the employee who sustained an injury while at work. However, when someone has a pre-existing injury that is similar to a work-related injury, it can make determining the number of benefits someone can receive more complicated. Many […]

Sanciones y sanciones en la compensación de los trabajadores

In workers’ compensation claims, sometimes the insurance company doesn’t provide what you need on time. However, there are penalties and sanctions in workers’ compensation cases to discourage this from happening. For example, if the insurance company doesn’t pay on time or authorizes appropriate medical care promptly, they could receive penalties and sanctions. The compensation someone […]

Artículo 32 Regulación de la compensación de los trabajadores

A Section 32 settlement for workers’ compensation allows the injured worker and insurance company to settle on a lump sum amount. Once they agree to the settlement, the insurance company will pay the injured party the agreed-upon lump sum. Once the insurance company pays the lump sum, they are no longer required to provide workers’ […]

¿Cuándo puede juzgar a un empleador por lesiones en el trabajo?

After sustaining an injury at work, many people believe their only recourse is to file for workers’ compensation benefits. While these benefits can help the injured party greatly, unfortunately, there are times when they don’t receive the monetary compensation they need. When this happens, many people wonder when they can sue an employer for a […]

Beneficios de compensación de los trabajadores sanitarios

Medical care providers face health and safety risks every day simply by doing their job. Naturally, there are many workers’ compensation claims for those injured while providing healthcare across the U.S. As a result, healthcare companies must provide workers’ compensation benefits for healthcare workers they employ. When a healthcare worker gets hurt on the job, […]

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