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Nueva ley de acoso sexual de California

In the fall of 2017, increased yet unreported sexual harassment and abuse in the workplace ignited a movement against sexual harassers and abusers. It was called the #MeToo movement. Now women and men alike can speak out about their experiences on social media with the hashtag #MeToo. In response, California legislators introduced a bill designed […]

Problemas de habitabilidad de los inquilinos y condición de slum

The Supreme Court of California has affirmed that every rental tenant has an implied warranty (the right) of habitability. This simply means that landlords must keep their properties “habitable”, not only sanitary and safe but also structurally sound. The rental property must be compliant with state and local codes for health and safety. A rental […]

Sí, los autos totalmente autónomos están llegando a California

You may have heard the news: An Uber Technologies Inc. autonomous vehicle was involved in an accident in Arizona. A human driver in a Honda CRV turning left at a yellow light hit the self-driving Volvo as it was crossing the intersection. Though the Volvo flipped onto its side after hitting a pole, no serious […]

¿Está siendo defraudado por su pago de horas extras?

Overtime Facts in California “In California,  a nonexempt employee 18 years of age or older, shall not be employed more than eight hours in any workday or more than 40 hours in any workweek unless he or she receives one and one-half times his or her regular rate of pay for all hours worked over eight hours in any workday and […]

Un accidente en un sitio de construcción no es cosa de risa

The construction industry is one of the most dangerous industries in the United States. Each year, many thousands of individuals are injured and even killed in construction site accidents. Too many serious injuries are caused by a fall or dropped objects. It is also common for workers to trip over a piece of lumber that […]

Lo que debes saber sobre los accidentes de peatones

Regardless of the established rules and regulations for a pedestrian’s right of way, negligent and inattentive drivers are still hitting people walking or crossing our Southern California streets, causing serious and sometimes catastrophic injury. We have all experienced drivers that fail to acknowledge basic rules of the road when they encounter someone walking across a […]

Lo que debes saber sobre las pausas de comida y descanso

If your boss violates California rest and meal and state laws, you may be able to sue your employer for not allowing you to have your legal amount of meal or rest breaks. For instance, if your employer denies you a meal break, or does not compensate you for your rest break, they can suffer […]

Accidentes de camiones versus accidentes automovilísticos Lo que necesita saber

Despite what you may have heard or read, all motor vehicle accidents are not treated equally by the law. A truck accident is defined as vehicle crashes involving 18-wheelers, tractor trailers, semi-trucks and other commercial motor vehicles that cause personal injury and/or property damage. It was reported by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, “accidents […]

Terminación Injusta en California

California is an “at-will employment” state, which means that any employment relationship can be ended without prior notice or warning by the employer or the employee at any time and for any reason.  There is no general requirement that an employer have “good cause” before firing an employee. Nor is the employee entitled to any […]

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