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Cómo ayuda un abogado de trabajadores en una solución de lesiones secundarias

A workers’ comp lawyer can help you pursue a secondary injury settlement if you suffer health issues as a result of your original injury. For example, if you received workers’ compensation benefits for a torn rotator cuff, and later experienced pinched nerves at the site of your rotator cuff injury, you could pursue a secondary […]

Cómo un abogado de trabajadores resuelve reclamaciones de terminación por trauma acumulativo

When you pursue workers’ compensation benefits for cumulative trauma after a job termination, a workers’ comp lawyer is an invaluable resource.A workers’ compensation lawyer can help you gather evidence and submit critical forms within designated time frames. They can also represent you in disputes and appeals hearings before the workers’ compensation board and administrative judges. […]

La importancia de ir al médico debido a los beneficios de los trabajadores

When you’re injured in the workplace, you may be tempted to brush it off or recover on your own. However, medical treatment is critical to your workers’ compensation case. To understand the importance of going to the doctor because of workers’ comp benefits, it’s important to know what the doctor can contribute to your case. […]

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