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¿Por qué aumentan las lesiones en el trabajo en verano?

Workplace Injuries Increase Around Summer

Increased product demand, excessive temperatures, and seasonal workers without proper training all contribute to why workplace injuries increase in the summer months. This isn’t just a theory either. The US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that the months of June, July, and August do actually produce the most workplace injuries.Because of this elevated risk, […]

Consejos importantes para manejar AME en un caso de compensación de los trabajadores

Handle AME in a Workers’ Compensation Case

In certain workers’ compensation cases, you will require an examination by either a qualified medical evaluator (QME) or an agreed medical evaluator (AME). As an employee, it’s better to have an AME assigned to you. However, to obtain an AME’s opinion, you first need to acquire legal counsel. If you don’t have a workers’ compensation […]

¿Cómo rescatar a una víctima de una lesión en el trabajo?

Crush Injury Victim at the Workplace

If you work in an industrial setting or with heavy machinery, you and your coworkers may be at risk for crush injuries in the workplace. Knowing how to help someone who has suffered a crush injury can be a matter of life and death. Due to the nature of crush injuries, one wrong move could […]

Cómo comprobar el estado de la reclamación de comp de mis trabajadores en California

Workers’ Comp Claim

You can check the status of your workers’ compensation claim by discussing it with your employers’ insurance company or partnering with a workers’ compensation attorney.  While many employees qualify for workers’ compensation benefits in California, insurance companies don’t make the claims process easy. Yet, you can entrust your case to a workers’ comp lawyer who […]

¿Puedes obtener la compensación de los trabajadores por el PTSD

What Are Some Common Acronyms Used in Workers’ Compensation Claims

Depending on the state in which you work, you could recover workers’ compensation for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In the state of California, workers are generally entitled to workers’ compensation for PTSD. Yet, getting workers’ compensation benefits isn’t easy.  For that reason, you may consider partnering with a workers’ compensation lawyer. They can assess your […]

¿Las reparaciones de lesiones personales son tributables en California?

Apportionment in Workers’ Compensation

If you suffer a personal injury and are awarded a settlement for damages, you may be surprised to discover that some of the recovered damages are taxable in California. The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has determined exactly what qualifies as taxable income. While not all pieces of a settlement are taxable, it’s important to know […]

¿Qué salarios están incluidos en las leyes de compensación de los trabajadores?

Included Under Workers’ Compensation Laws

Depending on which state you live in, some wages you could receive under workers’ compensation laws include your traditional wages or salary, as well as commissions, bonuses, holiday pay, and extra overtime pay. The U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) puts laws in place requiring employers to provide workers’ compensation benefits for injured employees. A workers’ […]

Qué saber sobre las reclamaciones de estrés en la compensación de los trabajadores

Stress Claims in Workers’ Compensation

When someone sustains an injury while at work, they can file a claim to receive workers’ compensation benefits. Many people don’t realize they can also receive workers’ compensation benefits for mental health issues, such as stress or anxiety. If you have stress because of issues or conditions in your workplace, you could get benefits through […]

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