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10 Tipos de lesiones cubiertas por la Ley de Compensación de Trabajadores

Injuries covered under Workers Compensation Law

When an employee suffers on-the-job injuries or an occupational illness, workers’ compensation law generally provides benefits for their medical care and a portion of their lost wages while they recover. These laws provide compensation for a wide range of injuries and conditions with only a few exclusions. If you were hurt at work or while […]

Cómo las leyes de compensación de los trabajadores describen una lesión en el trabajo

workers compensation laws for on the job injury

When it comes to workers’ compensation laws for on-the-job injuries, each state has its own statutes. However, they generally cover the same types of injuries. This includes acute injuries suffered in work-related accidents, repetitive motion injuries from chronic use and over-exertion, and occupational illnesses. If you have questions about your on-the-job injury or the insurance […]

Cómo contratar un buen abogado de compensación de trabajadores en California

hire a good compensation lawyer

If you run into issues with your workers’ comp claim in California, knowing how to hire a good workers’ compensation lawyer is important. Workers’ compensation benefits are essential for most employees hurt on the job. They pay for medical care and rehabilitation and cover your lost income while you heal. However, securing these benefits after […]

Es una propiedad comunitaria de compensación de los trabajadores en California

workers compensation settlement a community property in california

In some cases, a workers’ compensation settlement is community property in California. California law considers any income earned by a spouse during the time they are married community property. This means they split it as a part of the property division during divorce. Since workers’ compensation settlements include money for missed income, this is also […]

El papel de HIPAA en las reclamaciones de trabajadores Comp

HIPAA in workers comp claims

Since 1996, strong laws have protected people’s right to privacy regarding their medical records and related information. Thanks to the Health Insurance Portable Accountability Act of 1996, known as HIPAA, medical care providers must uphold high standards in protecting an individual’s privacy. However, there are exceptions to these privacy laws that apply in workers’ compensation […]

Top 10 beneficios de contratar un abogado de compensación de trabajadores

benefits of hiring a workers compensation lawyer

When you are hurt at work and undergoing treatment, the last thing you need to deal with is a workers’ compensation insurance company trying to reduce or deny your claim. Hiring a workers’ compensation lawyer makes it possible to fight for the benefits you need and deserve while continuing to focus on your physical recovery. […]

¿Cuáles son los límites legales para los trabajadores comp en California?

statutory limits for workers compensation in california

The statutory limits for workers’ compensation set deadlines for when you should notify your employer of your injury and when you need to file your claim. Per the State of California Department of Industrial Relations, you generally have 30 days to notify your employer of your on-the-job accident. You have one year to file the […]

¿Qué es una reclamación de terceros en un caso de compensación de trabajadores?

third party claim in workers compensation

Sometimes, injured workers can file a third-party claim in a workers’ compensation case. This allows them to seek and recover additional compensation beyond what is available through their employer’s insurer. In most cases, workers’ comp only covers medical care and a portion of lost income. A third-party claim or lawsuit could allow an injured worker […]

¿Cuál es la importancia de un QMEs en un caso de compensación de los trabajadores

importance of QMEs in a workers compensation case

A computer randomly assigns qualified medical examiners (QMEs) to workers’ compensation cases in California. The importance of QMEs in a workers’ compensation case cannot be overstated. In many cases, the QME or a QME panel plays a key role in ensuring an injured worker gets the care they need. This is especially true in situations […]

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