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Qué es una liquidación de suma única en una reclamación de comp de los trabajadores

When you get a settlement for your workers’ compensation claim, you have the option of choosing a lump sum settlement or stipulated payment. A lump sum settlement pays the entire settlement at once, while stipulated payments distribute the settlement in installments.A lump sum payment offers certain advantages, but there are some downsides, too. The best […]

¿Puede un empleador rescindir a un empleado mientras está en Comp de Trabajadores

Firing an employee specifically because they asked for workers’ comp benefits is illegal. You should consider talking to a workers’ compensation attorney if your employer threatens to fire you––or terminates you entirely. However, if an employer has a valid reason for wanting to fire an employee—for example, the employee was engaging in illegal behavior—then yes, […]

Cómo preparar un informe IME en un caso de compensación de trabajadores

Tips for how to prepare for an independent medical examination (IME) report in a workers’ compensation case include: Reviewing any paperwork your employer’s insurer sends to the doctor Deciding what you want to say to the doctor ahead of time Consulting a workers’ compensation attorney, so you know your rights and duties in this situation […]

Qué hacer si se niega la reclamación de los trabajadores

If your workers’ compensation claim is denied, you can do several things, including: Finding out the reason for the denial Filing an appeal if the denial cannot be easily fixed any other way Hiring a workers’ compensation attorney if you have not already done so Why Was My Workers’ Compensation Claim Denied? Sometimes a claim […]

¿Puede usted recoger la compensación de los trabajadores después de ser despedido del trabajo

Yes, it’s possible to collect workers’ compensation after being fired from the job where you suffered an injury. But California’s workers’ compensation processes can make filing for and recovering these benefits more complicated. Employers are protected by the post-termination defense that prevents retaliation by terminated employees.However, there are many ways you and your workers’ compensation […]

¿La lesión de estriado repetida se califica para beneficios de discapacidad en un caso de compensación de los trabajadores

Yes, a work-related repetitive strain injury can qualify for disability benefits in a workers’ compensation case. However, you may only receive disability benefits if the repetitive strain injury prevents you from working your current job or obtaining any other gainful employment. In addition to disability benefits, your work-related repetitive strain injury may also qualify you […]

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